Hans-Günter Schärf
Hans-Günter Schärf is a former mayor of the town of St. Andreasberg and is intimately acquainted with the cultural and natural history of the Harz. He organizes the best locations for film crews and has even appeared on camera, for instance in the Harz-based crime series Harter Brocken. Hans-Günter is also a former German deer-calling champion. He leads his visitor groups through the Samson Mine with good spirits and wit.
He directs the Samson Mine with Christian Barsch and is responsible for tour operations as well as the preservation of the mine ensemble.
Christian Barsch
Christian Barsch was born in Braunlage and studied forestry science in Göttingen. Since 2011, his educational tours of the Upper Harz Water Regale World Heritage Site and in the Harz National Park have received many distinctions. With an interactive, entertaining didactic method, he is now available for challenging yet laid-back experiences of the Samson Mine as well. At the Samson Mine, Christian is in charge of education, marketing and networking.
Victoria Dietrich
Victoria Dietrich can do it all: culture, nature and tourism. For many years, Vici has been working as a committed, competent guide at the St. Andreasberg National Park House. She joined the Samson Mine team in summer 2018. Sharp-witted and bright, the trained tourism manager brings new drive to the development of the Samson Mine. Vici’s areas of responsibility, apart from organizing the museum management, are education and knowledge transfer. Welcome to the Samson Mine!
Martina Bielenberg
Martina Bielenberg is the good spirit of the house: when everyone has left and tranquillity descends on the Samson Mine, she works to make everything look nice again for the following day. Even the canaries are lovingly tended by Martina. Oh, how lovely that you are going to stay with us…
Eckhard Trübel
Eckhard Trübel has been leading visitors through the Samson Mine for many years. He is immediately ready for action any time a bus arrives with no appointment. Eckhard is not only good-humoured, he also possesses extensive knowledge of the cultural and natural history of the Harz. With his quiet way and experience, he presents the historical mine in St. Andreasberg, both above and below ground, to visitors.
Dr. Lasafam Iturrizaga
Adjunct Prof. Dr. Lasafam Iturrizaga is a geographer and has explored the world's high mountains for many years. Another focus of her work is in the Harz Mountains, where she deals with the relationship between man and nature and the changes in the landscape caused by the use of resources. At the mine museum, "Lasa" is responsible for science and for communicating research results. From university to Samson - Welcome to St. Andreasberg!
Dr. Stephan Blöß
Vermittlung und Internes seit 2024
Der Doktor ist da! Stephan Blöß ist promovierter Chemiker und hat viele Berufsjahre in der Nordharzer Metallindustrie gearbeitet. Eine neue Berufung hat Stephan im Harzer Welterbe gefunden. Als zertifizierter Guide vermittelt er die lokale Montangeschichte lebendig und auf einnehmende Art. Ebenso treibt Stephan als Projektmanager die weitere Entwicklung des Museums voran. Und wer mal eine tiefergehende Frage zur Verhüttung hat, wird von unserem Spezialisten für chemische Elemente auch bestens betreut. Zudem bewegt Stephan als Hochzeits- oder Trauerredner Menschen in jeder Lebenslage einfühlsam... Wir freuen uns über einen weiteren tollen Menschen am Samson.
Klaus Knyhala
Guide seit 2018
Klaus Knyhala verlebt seinen verdienten Ruhestand in Braunlage und hilft gerne bei uns aus. Klaus ist der einzige "richtige" Bergmann an der Grube Samson, denn er hat als Vermessungssteiger bei der Ruhrkohle Bergbau AG im "Pott" gearbeitet.
Die perfekte Kombination von Vermittlung am historischen Ort und authentischen Erlebnissen aus dem wahren Leben und Arbeiten unter Tage...
Isabell Frahm
Praktikantin 2023 & FSJ Kultur 2023-2024
Isabell Frahm hat an der Universität Hamburg Geowissenschaften studiert und leistete Anfang 2023 ein vierwöchiges Berufspraktikum bei uns ab. Nach Beendigung ihres Studiums arbeitet Isabell nun im Rahmen eines Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahres (FSJ) an der Grube Samson.
Neben dem Sammeln von Erfahrungen im Museumsbetrieb unterstützt uns Isabell mit ihrem Fachwissen auch bei der Erfassung unserer Mineralienschätze, der Erstellung einer digitalen Inventarliste und einem Projekt zur neuen musealen Darstellung der Wasserwirtschaft. Willkommen Isabell, wir freuen uns, mit Dir ein weiteres junges Teammitglied am Samson begrüßen zu dürfen.
Andrea Daniel
FSJ Kultur 2021-2022
Andrea Daniel leistet ab 01. September 2021 ein Frewillliges Soziales Jahr in der Grube Samson ab. Andrea ist nicht nur unsere jüngstes Team-Mitglied, sondern eine ganz besondere: sie ist die erste Teilnehmende, die ein FSJ im Bereich der Montankultur in Norddeutschland ableistet, also nicht als Frau, sondern überhaupt. Wir sind ein wenig stolz, hier eine Vorreiterrolle spielen zu können und freuen uns auf geballte Kompetenz im Bereich Grafikgestaltung, Social Media und Sichtweisen von jungen Menschen. Andrea hat übrigens in- und auswendige Bergerfahrung, denn sie hat dem Beerberg bereits viele Besuche abgestattet. Glückauf in der Grube Samson!
Dr. Wilfried Liessmann
Dr. Wilfried Liessmann is one of the foremost authorities on the history of mining in the Harz; he has written many books about historical mining in the region. As a mineralogist, he works at the Technische Universität Clausthal and is in demand throughout the world as a specialist in economic geology. Since 1988, he has played a leading role as one of the “men in the dirt” at the Roter Bär Pit Educational Mine. Wilfried supports us with his knowledge and regularly hosts mineral seminars at the Samson Mine.
Uschi & Jochen Klähn
Uschi and Jochen Klähn directed the Samson Mine for 38 years, making it what it now is. Jochen came to the Samson Mine in 1951; his father, Fritz, was the first director. Subsequently, Uschi started leading tours of the mine in 1962. In 2016, with a combined age of 154, the couple entered their well-deserved retirement. All the same, Uschi and Jochen are still here for us and their Samson.
We cannot possibly bow low enough to pay suitable tribute to their life’s work… even though we work in one of the world’s deepest mines…
Fritz Klähn
Fritz Klähn was the first director of the museum at Samson. With a deep knowledge of historic mining activities in Upper Harz he started to give guided tours in 1951. Since then he and his family lived in the historic building of Samson mine, which today is part of the museum. After Fitz Klähn has passed away in 1978 his son Jochen followed him and became the new director.